Supporting young scientists

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Educational centers
Scientific-educational center
Educational laboratory
Supporting young scientists
IPPM RAS in frames of integration with universities has following educational structures:
  • Two educational centers (MGIET(TU) and MGIEM(TU))
  • Scientific-educational center "Development of micro&nanoelectronic systems"
  • Educational laboratory

Educational centers

  1. Educational center (MGIET(TU) at IPPM RAS. Location: IPPM RAS :

    Data on the RAS institution:
      Leader, science degree:
      A. Stempkovsky, the doctor of engineering science,
    academician of RAS

    #involved science personal - 7
    #members of RAS - 2

    Data on university:
    Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University)

    Department: ECT, CT
    Cathedra: PKIMS

    The number of students which have practice at Educational Center at IPPM RAS
    The number 1716179
    Of the total number of students, which have practice in 2008/09 years at Educational Center at IPPM RAS, 4 persons are now in the staff of institute.

    Direction of education: 230100 "Informatics and computers".
    Qualification of specialist: engineer, master.
    Contingent - 4-6 courses.
    Legal status: this center has been found in 1989.

    The work of Educational Center MGIET (TU) at IPPM RAS supposes management of course- and diploma projects, and also habutuation of skills using newest specialized soft- and hardware in CAD of micro&nanoelectronic VLSI.

    The staff of IPPM RAS is supervisors of course and diploma projects. Also they manage with practical elements of design procedures.

    1. Yury Adamov, head of sector, doctor, professor,
    2. Viljan Amerbaev, doctor, professor,
    3. Sergey Gavrilov, head of sector, doctor,
    4. Alexander Soloviev, doctor, professor,
    5. Oleg Somov, doctor
    6. Nataly Gorshkova, doctor

  2. Educational center (MGIET(TU) at IPPM RAS: "Automation of design of microelectronic computer systems" on the base of two cathedras: "Computer systems and nets" (CS&N) and "Electronics and electrical engineering" (E&E) related to Department of Automatics and Computers. Location: IPPM RAS.

    Data on the RAS institution:
      Leader, science degree:
      A. Stempkovsky, the doctor of engineering science,
    academician of RAS

    #involved science personal - 2
    #members of RAS - 2

    Data on university:
    Univ.: Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University)

    Department: Department of Automatics and Computers
    Cathedra: VS&S and E&E

    The center is forming now
    Direction of education: 230100 "Informatics and Computers". Qualification: bachelor, master.
    230101 "Computers, systems and nets". Qualification: engineer.

    The work of Educational Center MGIET (TU) at IPPM RAS supposes management of course- and diploma projects, and also habutuation of skills using newest specialized soft- and hardware in CAD of micro&nanoelectronic VLSI.

    The staff of IPPM RAS is supervisors of course and diploma projects. Also they manage with practical elements of design procedures.

    1. Sergey Ulyanov, head of sector, doctor
    2. Michael Zharov, doctor